Dental Implants

Dental implants are the best replacement option if you are missing a tooth or several teeth. While there are some exceptions, dental implants are appropriate for most people who are missing teeth. During your dental exam, your dentist at Water Brook Dental will help you decide if dental implants are right for you.
The Perfect Fit
Gone are the days of dentures moving around your mouth because they’re so loose! If you choose to have a dental implant procedure, you can say goodbye to night time denture soaking and sticky pastes – and at last, you can eat all the food that you want without worries!
Serving Washington DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia
Dental implants with porcelain crowns are a permanent, an option of full tooth replacement option for both the upper visible portion of the tooth and the tooth root.
Dental implants restore the full function and appearance of your missing tooth. Dental implants have two parts: a surgically implanted post that acts the tooth root, and a porcelain crown to replace the visible, the part that is above the gum line.
Benefits of dental implants
Dental implants bring strength and give permanent base for the tooth they’re replacing.
- Dental implants replaces the root of the missing tooth and in doing so it prevents bone loss. They prevent the bone tissue from shrinking by filling that space where the missing tooth used to be.
- Dental implants do not need the dentists to shave down the teeth next to the them like we do with bridges and dentures.
- Dental implants are not visible because they go in the bone of the jaw. The need little maintenance but the crown that sits on your dental implants need almost the exact same care as your natural teeth.
- Dental implants can last a very long time when they have great success.
Dental implants are becoming more and more popular in replacing natural missing teeth.Dental implants provide a strengthened bite, a great looking smile, and the freedom and confidence that come with having a complete set of secure, natural looking teeth. Dental implants are one of the most astonishing advancements in restorative dentistry and is a good long term solution to replace missing teeth.
Come see us in Washington DC; we serve the Washington DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia for dental implant services. The dental implants are attractive, comfortable and strong, just like your natural teeth. One of our experienced dentists will first put titanium studs into the jawbone; once they are in the jawbone, the goal is to keep there. In addition to looking great and natural, dental implants can help in preventing headaches and bite problems like TMJ problem. Even though not all TMJ problems have the same cause, they are often associated with missing teeth.
If you are interested in implant dentistry, please contact your Washington DC dentist at Water Brook Dental today for a free consultation.
How dental implants work
missing tooth.
Your dental implant is a surgical process and requires several months of healing time before your dentist can put a crown on it; the process also has different steps. Don’t worry, we will give you a temporary while your implants take well in your jawbone so you don’t walk around without your missing teeth. That titanium rod is put in the jawbone and we let some time (several months) pass by so they implant can take well into your jawbone and that the bone around the titanium rod can sit well in the jawbone; we call this process osseointegration. The second part of the dental implant process is to place a very small part (called abutment) on top of the implant; this step is also a surgical process, but it’s faster easier to do than when you place the dental implant in the jawbone. When the gum tissue has healed around this abutment, the porcelain crown is bonded to it. You now have a completely new tooth with a root and a top.
Why Work With Washington DC Cosmetic Dentist at Water Brook Dental for Your Dental Implant Procedure?
Call us now 2026184910
If you’d like to learn more about dental implants or any of the other cosmetic dentistry procedures we offer, call or email your Cosmetic Dentistry office today to schedule your personal dental implant consultation with a Washington DC Cosmetic Dentist at Water Brook Dental and their cosmetic dentistry team.
Are Dental Implants Right for you?
Who is a Candidate for Dental Implants?
Washington DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia
You are a candidate for dental implants if you want a comfortable, natural-looking replacement for a tooth or teeth missing for any of the following reasons:
- An accident or injury
- Tooth decay
- Periodontal disease
- Born without permanent teeth to replace “baby teeth”
Dental implants are the best solution for patients who want:
- A permanent replacement for one missing tooth or several missing teeth
- To replace a partial or a bridge
- Tooth replacement you can barely tell or can’t tell at all– they look a lot like your natural teeth and
- you do not have to take them out at night or to clean them, so even your partner or spouse (or
- grandchildren) will never see you without your teeth
- To stop againg caused by bone loss and gum shrinkage before it happens
- Tooth replacement that is comfortable and will not bother your gums
- Tooth replacement that will not cause you to speak or eat funny
- Tooth replacement that are most convenient because they do need you to take of them differently
- than your natural teeth and you don’t have to take them off to clean them
- To protect the tooth or teeth that are next to the missing tooth or teeth; you want a tooth that
- doesn’t have to use the surrounding teeth for support; you want to stop bone loss before it happens
- Tooth replace that is healthy, very beautiful and very comfortable
- To leave behind the idea or the fact that you have lost a tooth or teeth.
No matter how old you are, dental implants can be a very good treatment to replace your missing tooth or teeth. Dental implants can actually help gum shrinkage and preventing bone loss; in doing so, they help prevent premature aging.
Adequate bone material
You need decent jaw bone material to support your dental implant. If you have already experienced bone loss you may still be a candidate but the dentist might need to put some material like bone graft to build up your bone to help support your implant.
Overall health
If you are in good general health, you can be a very good candidate for dental implants. Some serious health problems can rule you out from having dental implants, but don’t make the decision by yourself as to whether or not you should get dental implants. To know if you qualify for dental implants, talk to your Washington DC dentist at Water Brook Dental
All-On-Four Dental Implants: Four Above and Four Below For the Perfect Smile
Let us tell you a bit the basics of dental implants. An implant is like a tiny post made of titanium which is inserted in your jawbone and it will act as the “root” of your denture. To secure the implants, a minor dental surgery procedure is to be done. After the placement of the implants, a prosthetic crown will be connected to the post and this will finish off the “real tooth” polished look.
So, if you need a post on each of your missing tooth, how does the “all-on-four” work for the whole set of teeth? Well, the real deal is that you do not need a dental implant for each tooth; you can place four to six implants on top and another four on the bottom and this will suffice for the whole set of teeth. All-on-four is a well-calculated dental procedure. Plus the material used for the implant which is titanium can easily bond with the bone as it heals. It will be the “root” to your new set of teeth.
Another advantage of getting dental implants, aside from securing your dentures, is that it maintains the structure of your jawbone. If you notice, people with missing teeth tend to have a sagging face and they look older than their real age. With All-on-Four, you will have a beautiful smile which means a happy and stress-free you – your life will be so much better.
In just one day, you can have that dazzling smile you have been dreaming of.
Once you are scheduled for the procedure, you will have a doctor and a team of dental professionals there to care for you to oversee that your treatment goes well and that you have a good experience. When all is done, you can expect one thing: a full set of teeth that are so natural looking that you will want to smile all day, every day.
At first, the set of teeth that will be connected to your All-on-Four dental implants will be non-permanent. No need to worry since for many people, the titanium implants require a healing period; it has to attach and bond with your jawbone first. After a few months, your titanium implants will then be ready for your permanent dentures!
All-On-Four a good option to consider?
On your first visit, we will give you a free consultation and details about All-On-Four procedure for free – no fees whatsoever! You will also be provided a free x-ray, as well. This x-ray will show if you are a suitable candidate for the dental implants and it will also assess the extent of your dental condition. Just make an appointment to come see us free of charge. Come find out how dental implants can give you back that smile you lost.