In case you’re self-conscious regarding lost teeth, or perhaps troubled with diction or chewing problems caused by lost teeth, dentures can be a good option in your case.
Not only is it a great-looking and comfy option, dentures are good long-term investments in your own oral health, long lasting until a decade with care and attention. The dental practitioners at Water Brook Dental in Washington DC will advise you what exactly is that you can get in dentures, augmentations, capped teeth and bridges to change your missing teeth and boost your bite plus chewing capability.
Dentures can be a good option to help bring a smile back on your face. When you get in for your consultation, the dentists at Water Brook Dental in Washington DC will also discuss limitations of dentures when it comes to oral health.
We provide partial dentures, full dentures and denture maintenance. Come in to get a dental appointment! Very soon, you’ll be on your way to smiling with full confidence.
Full Dentures
A complete denture is recommended if just about all teeth are actually lost in a single or each of those arches.
There’s a part on the complete denture that looks like your gums and the teeth look like teeth.
Quite a few appointments are necessary to carry out the building of this product. Often dental implants are widely used to increase preservation and steadiness of dentures.
Partial Dentures
A partial denture is a denture that sits partly on some of your natural teeth.
It might be essential if you find several left out teeth in the arch.
A partial denture can take a number of consultations to finish. There are additional choices for substituting one or several lost teeth.
Plan a meeting discussion with one of our own Washington DC dentists at Water Brook Dental to know the best dental treatment options for you.