This is the first stage of gum disease. If you neglect to brush your teeth and to floss, bacteria will leave a coating on your teeth and on your gums; This sticky coating is known as plaque.
When plaque stays too long on your teeth, it becomes hard and turns into tartar. When plaque is left too long, it hardens into tartar (also called calculus), and can no longer be removed by brushing or flossing. At this point, you would notice bleeding gums when you do brush and the gums will also swell and become reddened. You may well have toothache. If nothing is done, gingivitis will progress into full gum disease.
The sticky plaque on your teeth can cause your gums to bleed which in turn will send toxins into your bloodstream. This state of gum disease is known as gingivitis. The health of your gums can get into a more serious state when the biofilm spreads under the gum and causes a condition called periodontitis (periodontal disease). When you have periodontal disease, the gum tissue pulls away from your teeth and causes periodontal pockets. We measure pockets in mm; a normal pocket is 1 to 3 mm; if your pockets are measured to be 4 mm and deeper, it would be impossible to clean out under the gums properly with regular brushing and flossing; when you have periodontal pockets, bacteria and debris get at the bottom on your gums and causes you to have bleeding gums; depending on the depth of the pockets and the state of your gum, you can get bad breath
gum infection and that can cause horrible pain in some cases of periodontal disease.
Don’t worry; your dental team at Water Brook Dental in Washington DC can take good care of your gums by providing periodontal treatment which includes scaling and root planing
In some cases, we will recommend Arestin to help treat deep pockets For more on Arestin,
Soon, you will be on your way get back on track to good periodontal health.
Periodontal disease can also cause you to have receding gums