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Tooth decay can result in dental pain, infection, tooth loss, and even death in the very severest of cases. It is a condition usually caused by sugary foods and beverages being digested by certain bacteria that thrive in our mouths. They produce acids that gradually eat away at the hard parts of the tooth, eventually triggering the tooth decay. However, the good news is that it can be reversed if identified at the early stages.


Early tooth decay signs may not be noticed as early as is desirable until the bacterial acid has eaten up a sensitive part of the tooth. However some of the early signs of tooth decay include:

  • Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold substances can be an indicator of tooth decay. The tooth may also become sensitive to touch.
  • Pain when chewing or biting into food may be experienced. This happens as the cavity that is formed progresses. The pain is also felt when the affected tooth is exposed to air.
  • Bad breath, sour taste in the mouth, black, gray and white spots are also signs of tooth decay. The white spots are signs of demineralization in the tooth enamel.
  • Dislodged and loose fillings can cause further tooth decay because the germs are able to access the cavity which is a perfect breeding environment for the bacteria, because it is warm and moist.
  • Stubborn toothache can occur with minor sores or blisters and swelling of the gum, usually associated with inflammation.
  • Tooth discoloration in children under the age of eighteen months can be a sign of a dental disorder. Tooth decay in children is often associated with milk or juice taken before bedtime. The particles of these beverages remain on the surface of the child’s teeth and become acidic because of the oral bacteria.
  • The bacteria transmission by adults via the spoon or baby bottle, which they have previously tried or licked, can be another source of tooth decay in children.


A decaying tooth can be a horrifying experience and the earlier the diagnosis is done through a physical dental examination the better. However the biggest percentage of people tend to ignore dentist’s regular appointments as long as they are not in pain. This can lead to much more severe and irreversible decay. At very extreme levels of decay the gum may swell, one may experience severe pain, mild or high fever and swollen glands, and the jaws get tender and sore. This is a sign of advance decay that has turned to severe infection


We all need to understand that ignorance of proper dental care can be very costly in the long run including loss of teeth. Thus if you are experiencing the very slightest pain in your tooth visit your dentist sooner rather than later.


Contact a dentist or dental hygienist at Water Brook Dental in Washington DC for a dental check-up and other dental needs. Water Brook Dental has two locations in Washington DC. The Columbia Heights location is very  conveniently located to Downtown DC, Northeast DC, Adams Morgan, Dupont Circle, Logan Circle, U-Street Corridor, Mount Pleasant and many other parts of Washington. The Eastern Ave NW location is conveniently located to Downtown Silver Spring, Takoma Park MD, Silver Spring MD, Colesville, and other parts of Maryland as well as Northern Virginia and other parts of Virginia.