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Dentures are replacements of teeth prescribed by dentists and made by dental technicians for people who are missing some or all of their teeth. When someone does not have all their teeth, a complete denture is made. A person missing some of their teeth has a partial denture made. Dentures have many benefits, some of them are outlined below.


The first benefit of having a denture is the aspect of assisting in breaking down food. The dentures replace the teeth which used to do this. As we eat, it is necessary to break down the food into smaller parts that we can easily swallow. The swallowing process is thus enhanced by dentures.

The dentures improve people’s general health, especially complete dentures. Sometimes when people come for dentures, they are frail and possibly malnourished, but after using dentures they become stronger. This is explained by the fact that absorption of food is reduced in the absence of the mechanical breakdown, which is enhanced by dentures.


Dentures restore beauty. Good teeth are symbols of beauty, so the absence of teeth takes away some facial beauty. For example, social professionals like celebrities could not last a day without teeth. Dentures always come in handy for keeping that beautiful, natural look. Dentures also maintain a perfect natural facial contour; for example, people who are missing  teeth are typically seen with sunken cheeks and protruding jaws, which are easily corrected by dentures.


The rate of appearance of aging due to loss of teeth is reduced when you wear dentures. It is advised that people should start wearing dentures as soon as possible so that the esthetic aging process is not initiated immediately after loss of teeth. The level of facial skin creases is reduced, and formation of new ones is reduced.


With the loss of teeth, the bone that supported the teeth starts to be lost too. The best way to stop this is to wear dentures. Dentures ensure there is constant stimulation of the bone, thus reducing the chance of it being lost.


When teeth are lost, the space between the upper and the lower jaws becomes smaller. This is associated with problems in the joint that links the upper and the lower jaws. The joint becomes fatigued easily, and a person may report pain in the muscles surrounding the mouth, and even in the ears. Dentures replace the teeth and restore the ideal height between the upper and the lower jaws. In this way the dentures prevent muscle pain and the chances of developing joint disorders.
Contact a dentist or dental hygienist at Water Brook Dental in Washington DC for a dental check-up and other dental needs. Water Brook Dental has two locations in Washington DC. The Columbia Heights location is very  conveniently located to Downtown DC, Northeast DC, Adams Morgan, Dupont Circle, Logan Circle, U-Street Corridor, Mount Pleasant and many other parts of Washington. The Eastern Ave NW location is conveniently located to Downtown Silver Spring, Takoma Park MD, Silver Spring MD, Colesville, and other parts of Maryland as well as Northern Virginia and other parts of Virginia.