Tooth decay is one of the most common problems found in kids. As adults, it is our responsibility to check for dental decay, and get it filled at the earliest opportunity if it appears. Recognizing tooth decay in kids is a little difficult, because they may not cooperate when we ask them to. Younger kids who have not started talking are extremely tough to manage. To recognize tooth decay, just look for few signs and symptoms that are mentioned below.

  • The first sign of tooth decay is usually regarded to be the appearance of white spots. These are areas of demineralization, which can at this stage be remineralised and brought back to normal. It is often difficult to find such white spots in teeth of children, as it requires some quiet time for observation which is difficult to achieve in kids. This is why regular check-ups with a children’s dentist are advisable.
  • Discoloration: Dental decay can be recognized by discoloration on the tooth surface. A dark brown or black spot or patch may indicate dental decay.
  • Pain: If your child has pain in a tooth while chewing, sleeping at night, or just spontaneously, your kid may have tooth decay. When the decay descends down to the level of the pulp where the nerve fibers and blood vessels are located, the child can experience tremendous pain. This pain may be aggravated when any food particles hit the area, and also in the night when the person lies down. Some kids develop spontaneous pain that lasts for few minutes and then disappears on its own.
  • Bad breath: If you feel that your child has bad breath, it is possible that your child may be have dental decay. Dental decay is one of the many reasons for bad odor. When there is decay, there is formation of cavities. These cavities become excellent sites for further deposition of food. The food particles undergo fermentation, providing nutrition to the decay-causing bacteria, which convert it into the source of bad breath after undergoing putrefaction (rotting).

Most of the time, kids are not able to communicate their problems to parents when they are very young. They may show some changes in their normal behavior. They may start avoiding certain food items like hard foods or even ice-creams. At times, kids may have fever due to severe dental infection. If the parents notice any of these signs and symptoms, they must ensure that their kid is doesnot have any cavities. If dental decay is ignored, it may develop to form an abscess, which can be extremely painful. It may involve one side of the face. Draining the pus from the abscess and one complete course of high-grade antibiotics will usually be able to take care of the situation. Prevention is always better than cure. You have to be careful with the eating and brushing habits of your child. Brushing twice daily can be a simple solution for most dental problems. Some parents have a misconception regarding decay in milk (baby) teeth. They feel that there is nothing to be alarmed if the child has decay in milk teeth, which is actually wrong. Decayed milk teeth may occasionally cause alterations in the structure of the successor permanent tooth.

Contact a dentist or dental hygienist at Water Brook Dental in Washington DC for a dental check-up and other dental needs. Water Brook Dental has two locations in Washington DC. The Columbia Heights location is very  conveniently located to Downtown DC, Northeast DC, Adams Morgan, Dupont Circle, Logan Circle, U-Street Corridor, Mount Pleasant and many other parts of Washington. The Eastern Ave NW location is conveniently located to Downtown Silver Spring, Takoma Park MD, Silver Spring MD, Colesville, and other parts of Maryland as well as Northern Virginia and other parts of Virginia.